Interested in learning more about Shinrin Yoku and forest bathing?


Here are a few of my favorite resources:

Forest Bathing books

Forest Bathing: How trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness – Dr. Qing Li
Shinrin Yoku: The Japanese Art of Forest Bathing – Yoshifumi Miyazaki
Forest Bathing Retreat: Finding Wholeness in the Company of Trees – Hannah Fries
The Little Book of Forest Bathing: Discovering the Japanese Art of Self-Care (a collection of photos and quotes)

General Nature Connection books
Talks and Articles about my work Forest Bathing and Connecting People to the Healing Power of Nature
Let’s Talk about Forest Bathing, Whatcom YMCA, YouTube
Prescribing the Power of Parks, Washington Trails Association
forest bathing walk, small groups, bellingham wa, nature mindfulness